
Bronze* : 500 euros

Silver* : 1 000 euros

Gold* : 2 000 euros

1 free registration. You will need to register on the web site and check the gold sponsor options. Registration includes admission to all the sessions, electronic proceedings, coffee breaks and lunches, conference banquet.

Platinum* : 4 000 euros

2 free registrations. You will need to register on the web site and check the platinium sponsor options. Registration includes admission to all the sessions, electronic proceedings, coffee breaks and lunches,conference banquet.

*Sponsoring packages do not include 20% VAT 


How to sponsor:

You must send an email to Philippe mail: soucaille@insa-toulouse.fr with a copy to Patricia patricia.jarry@insa-toulouse.fr with the choice of your participation, and the billing address. We will send you an invoice.




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