Registration fees

The fees for the conference are :

Auditors, Presenting authors, Students : 500 € includes VAT 10%

For scientists leaving in China who will participate to the conference online : 275 € includes VAT 10%. For scientists presenting posters, they will be printed and posted during the poster sessions.

 Payment of the registration includes VAT, admission to all the sessions,and electronic proceedings , coffee breaks, three lunches, one dinner and the conference banquet. Accommodations have to be managed directly by the delegates a suggested list of hotels is provided.

A 100 € administrative fee will be levied against all cancelled registrations. No refund will be paid back for registrations cancelled after  August,22 2022


For registration information, please contact the registration secretary:
Mrs. Patricia JARRY, CLOSTRIDIUM16 Organization secretary
INSA SAIC, 135 Avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse Cedex 4, France
Phone +33 (0)5 6155 9531, fax +33 (0)5 6155 9538

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