From September 14. - 17. 2022 the Clostridium XVI Conference will be held at the INSA Campus in Toulouse and online for scientists living in China. 



The Clostridium XVI Organizing Committee warmly invites you to attend the 16th International Conference on the Genetics, Physiology, and Synthetic Biology of Solvent- and Acid-Forming Clostridia, to be held at INSA in Toulouse, France.

Members of the Organizing Committee are Philippe Soucaille,  Isabelle Meynial-Salles, Wolfgang Liebl, Ana Lopez-Contreras,  Lee Lynd, Nigel Minton, George N Bennett, Peter Dürre, Terry Papoutsakis, and Weihong Jiang

The genus Clostridium is a large, heterologous assemblage of microorganisms, unified by their ability to form spores and characterized by great biocatalytic diversity.  Whilst Clostridium species have achieved notoriety as human and animal pathogens, most members of this genus are entirely benign and many have distinctive features of interest for production of fuels and chemicals.  Initiated in 1990 (Salisbury, UK), the Clostridium meetings have been held every two years, generally alternating between the USA and Europe. The 2018 meeting was held at TUM in Freising, Germany.  The 2020 meeting should be held in Quindao, China but has been reported twice due to Covid issues. It is the reason why the organizing committee decided, just few weeks ago, to move it to Toulouse.  These meetings have become the leading forum in the field, and owe their success to both the quality of the science presented and the informal and welcoming atmosphere. As with past meetings, it is anticipated that Clostridium XVI will be of value to both academia and industry, and to senior and young researchers alike.

The conference takes place "on site" at the Amphitheater Vinci (number 20 on the Campus map) and online for scientists living in China

Please note that attendees need to comply with the French and local covid-19 related regulations and restrictions that will be in force during the event. The organisers recommend full vaccination against covid-19.



Scientific contacts :

Philippe SOUCAILLE                                                  Isabelle MEYNIAL-SALLES

soucaille@insa-toulouse.fr                                          meynial@insa-toulouse.fr

Tel.: +33 614156613 


Registration contact :

Patricia JARRY



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